Old IJsselbrug near Zwolle

Old IJsselbrug near Zwolle15558

/uploads/2024_04_19_190226_325566990_1622895211514072_6941876263780544864_n-2.jpg Ben van Balgoijen

Canvas 2cm | 4cm - Best quality Canvas.Ready to hang immediately.

40x40 cm 40x30 cm 45x30 cm 50x50 cm 50x40 cm 60x60 cm 60x45 cm 60x20 cm 60x40 cm 60x30 cm 70x70 cm 70x40 cm 75x60 cm 75x50 cm 75x25 cm 75x75 cm 80x40 cm 80x80 cm 80x20 cm 80x60 cm 90x90 cm 90x60 cm 90x30 cm 90x50 cm 100x75 cm 100x25 cm 100x80 cm 100x100 cm 100x50 cm 105x60 cm 105x70 cm 110x110 cm 120x60 cm 120x80 cm 120x120 cm 120x40 cm 120x30 cm 120x90 cm 125x125 cm 125x100 cm 135x75 cm 135x90 cm 140x70 cm 140x140 cm 140x105 cm 150x150 cm 150x75 cm 150x50 cm 150x120 cm 150x100 cm 150x85 cm 160x90 cm 160x80 cm 160x40 cm 160x120 cm 180x120 cm 180x90 cm 180x100 cm 180x60 cm 200x100 cm 200x50 cm 210x70 cm 210x140 cm

Matte paper Glossy paper Baryta (glossy) fabric German Etching (matte) 2cm 4cm Direct print Basic Glossy Anti reflection Pro

Frame No frame
Delivery 7-10 working days
5.0 Rating on Trustpilot

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Old IJsselbrug near Zwolle
Old IJsselbrug near Zwolle




In the early morning the sun shines on the horizon, while a delicate veil of dew hangs over the old IJssel Bridge between Zwolle and Hattemerbroek. The first rays of the rising sun break through the soft morning mist, bathing the historic bridge and surrounding landscape in an enchanting golden light, while the bridge stands as a silent witness capturing the peace and beauty of this magical moment. The scene exudes a timeless splendor, in which nature and architecture come together in perfect harmony.

The IJssel Bridge (also called Katerveer Bridge) forms the connection across the IJssel between Zwolle and Hattem and has been a national monument since 1999.

  • bruggen
  • zwolle
  • oude ijsselbrug
  • hattem
  • hattemerbroek
  • ijssel
  • hanzestad
  • rijksmonument
  • zonnestralen tijdens de zonsopkomst
  • zonsopkomst
  • zonsopgang
  • mistige zonsopkomst
  • zonsopkomst aan het water
  • zonsopkomst bij ijssel
  • overijssel
  • gelderland
  • rivier de ijssel
  • monument